"Metamorphoses" by Tatjana Šebek Markušić
oil on glass, 70x120 cm
We cannot avoid change. BUT we can decide HOW it will affect us. We are all born for the stages of a life of abundance and the stages of tears and pain. Situations and people can cause us pain. And only the people we love can give us the strongest feelings. And happiness and pain. Life changes people. Both us and the people we are surrounded by. But the strongest is the pain of betrayal.
Emotions break our wings of free flight, and we descend to the poorest bottom of our soul. The only thing that can help us is ... love for the child within us. It is still alive! It doesn't want you to suffocate it! all tears should be collected and turned into an elixir of new life. And we will take off again. Slow. Fresher. Wiser. And learn that Love is everything. first Love for yourself.